Genre: Suppernatural comedy
Production director: Nicolay Dо́stal'

Genre: Suppernatural comedy
Screen: Yury Arabov
Director: Nicolay Dоstal'
Director of: Levan Kapanadze
Artistic Director: Pavel Parkhomenko
Film Score Composer: Alexander Sokolov
Sound Producer: Maxim Belovolov
General Producer: Igor Tolstunov
Distribution Company: “Nashe Kino”

Timofey Tribuntsev as Ivan
Georgiy Fetisov as Legion
Boris Kamorzin as Father Superior
Nikita Tarasov as Nicholas I
Sergey Barkovsiy as Benckendorff
Roman Madyanov as Clergyman

Synopsis This fiction film revolves around the supernatural events in the first half of the 19th century. When a new monk, named Ivan Semenovich, arrives at the Monastery, the evil things start to happen.  The powers of darkness come to Ivan and identify themselves as Legion. The demons tempt him, struggling to seduce Ivan out of the right way and prevent him from serving the God. However the harder the devil tries to succeed, the stronger Ivan’s spirit gets…