Anna Kagarlitskaya

Born on the 28th of August in 1957 in Moscow.Graduated from the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (school of L. Zaytseva). Worked on the editorial staff of the “Soviet Screen Magazine” as a chief editor; in the newspaper “SKIF” (“The Film Festival Satellite”) as a chief editor deputy; as an editor of the television program “Film marathon” (RTR) in the “Studio-Rus”; as a press officer of the general management of “Nika Award” of the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences; as a press secretary of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Cinematography (later Cinema Fund)
Since 1996 – Chief Editor in NTV-PROFIT
Published in “Kino Art Magazine”, “Soviet Screen Magazine”, “Kino” (Riga), “Soviet Film Magazine”, “Stolitsa Magazine”, “Musical Life Magazine”, “Ogoniok Magazine” etc.; in such newspapers as “Screenstage”, “Soviet Culture”, “Pravda”, “Nedelya”, “Nezavisimaya gazeta”, “Moskovskij Komsomolets”